Geophysics, the Science that explains Astrophysics TL. https://planetinperil.info

Legalizing drug trafficking is a major job to be accomplished, an important job that needs coordination, preparation and diplomacy. (Legalizing) will be a major source of income for the State's treasury, a safe heaven for the users and a gold mine for the dealers. Dealers will be able to purchase license, file their income taxes, import their own drugs and pay proper fee, or purchase the ones governor makes available. A National database will be created where the users will purchase the drugs of their preference in the dealer's establishment on a detoxification schedule that will give the drug recipients certain amount of time, (depends on the drug received), and will be no other dose unless the scheduled date completes, or a Doctor's prescription provided. The black Market will be a past, the prices will be low, and as a result of the database, users will not be able to go to another State to purchase drugs before their maturity date established. Every drug dealer will employee a pharmacist and at least a Nurse, depends on their business volume. Dealer's preparation require Application, schedule of the date the dealer's establishment will be ready with private rooms, including TV and restroom and camera, in order to establish their security until the drug's influence expires. TL ourStarEarth.com

The FBI supports the murdering of innocent American Citizens for their own monetary benefit, supporting like that murderers, Ban robbers, Thieves, communist activists and every illegal bastard who commits crimes, as far as they their annual membership of $20,000 plus their extra contributions! That incident happened to me after Panagiotis Karkalis along with the Banker and X secretary treasurer for the State of Illinois Alexi Giannoulias, is daughter Effie Cibo (that he had with his own sister not his legal wife), working as a Bank teller at the Commercial Bank on North Western Ave.& West Lawrence at Chicago Illinois, his partner on dead used cars and the Little Fox Day care center one block away from the Bank, where they went to hide and sing along with the little kids after the robbery, committed the robbery. TL https://ourstarearth.com

I took that case to the FBI Headquarters five months later, when the Chicago Police Department arrested Panagiotis Karkalis for selling stolen products without tags, my sister called my brother George and asked him to go to the shoe repair shop and get $250,000 from Karkalis jacket in order to bail him out. I already had anther case about legalizing the drag trafficking but, I didn't met my Duly Officer, I met an FBI Officer who told me that they will not work on the Drug Trafficking case, although he promised to give me a call after they recover the Bank robbery footage, the one they already had in hand! We the PEOPLE Demand from the FBI to Quit from stealing the business of the POLICE DEPARTMENT for their own benefit! Yes, That happened to me repeatedly by he FBI, getting involved through the Police Department in order to favor my assaulters, Bank Robbers, Thieves, Murderers, Liars and advising my Attorneys to quit, off, of my case. TL https://planetinperil.info

Above is listed the phone conversation I had with Severko Hrywnak a few minutes before I be arrested by the Police. Severko is a member of the Chicago Mafia that kill's anybody, anytime, and nobody can prosecute them, as a result of the paid ties they got with the FBI. Severko introduced the Motherfucker (Panagiotis Karkalis) to the FBI this way he got protection under $20,000 per year flat fee and the EXTRAS within the year. depends the amount of the thieveries and killings. The Police officers who arrested me was not from the Place of my business, nor Severko's, he was two blocks away. The Officers was from the place of his residence. Severko's Doctor's degree, is made out of special chocolate at Poland. TL